

Featured Articles

Decoding Whales' Movements: A Deep Dive into Crypto Transfers

In the ever-evolving landscape of the cryptocurrency market, a recent surge in activity has caught the attention of astute observers. Deep-pocketed crypto investors, often referred to as "whales," a...

Understanding Bitcoin Market Dynamics: Analysing the MVRV Ratio

In the ever-evolving landscape of Bitcoin investment, strategic insights are paramount for informed decision-making. Recent on-chain data has unveiled a compelling metric—the Market Value to Reali...

$1 Billion in Bitcoin (BTC) Disappear: Analysing the Market Implications

In recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market has witnessed a substantial shift in Bitcoin (BTC) reserves from exchanges to self-custody wallets. This movement involves over $1 billion in BTC, traditio...

Coinbase Targets Australia's $600 Billion Superannuation Market as Crypto Demand Soars

Coinbase, the leading cryptocurrency exchange based in the United States, is making a strategic move to enter Australia's self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) sector. With a sharp focus on the imme...

Australia Proposes Scams Code Framework: A Game-Changing Initiative

In a bold move to tackle the escalating menace of scams, the Australian Treasury has unveiled a groundbreaking consultation paper proposing a comprehensive 'Scams – Mandatory Industry Codes' frame...

AUSTRAC's Regulatory Priorities 2024: Unveiling the Focus on Digital Currency Exchanges

Introduction In the dynamic landscape of financial regulations, AUSTRAC, Australia's esteemed financial intelligence unit and AML/CTF regulator, has recently disclosed its regulatory priorities for...